Thursday 11 June 2015

Performance Evaluation

Whether it be during the rehearsals or on the night of the show, an aspect that was every important through out process of creating this peace was my ability to show an effective use and control of performance based techniques. Certain points at which these techniques where clearly demonstrated include my role within the show physically and vocally. Being that are only experience of the space that we where to be performing in was that of  the actual night, it meat that I would be expected to very quickly adapt from the significantly smaller surroundings of our rehearsal spaces to a much larger scale. Vocally this meant that in order to fully engage the audience my lines would need to be delivered with the right amount of volume and clarity, making it possible for myself to be heard amongst the wrest of the background noise.

In order to communicate the intentions and purpose of my character within the piece, things such as my characters costume, accent and body language where adapted and played upon to accentuate and individuate the role of my character amongst the ensemble. From reading the play and doing further background research into the world and times of our characters, I was able to gain a greater understanding of how my character (Foxlip a sailor) being someone such as himself may have sounded and dressed, meaning I was able to introduce aspects to the piece that would work and fit within the entire context of the play and our adaptation.

Although in the piece I had quite a significant named character, the majority of my work was amongst and ensemble. So in contributing to the piece, it meant that i needed to be largely focused and conscious of the people around me during rehearsals and the night of the show. Although there where points during the rehearsal period in which I can admit I lacked in concentration, I new that if is wasn't listening and missed my cues this could effect the entire flow of the show and work rate, but would also mean letting down the rest of the cast. Because of this it meant that on the night of the show i met all my cues on time and  why I believe that without the cooperation of the whole ensemble this piece would not have been as successful.

From the time spent working on this piece I have learnt the importance of working together as a team and how everyone, no matter the size of their role within the performance, each has a large part to play in determining the success of the piece. I have also learnt personally that to improve I must greater my concentration during the rehearsals, as I have learnt how important every second spent practising and preparing really is and that every ones contributions to show, including my own are needed.

Overall I am greatly pleased with how the final performance went. Although at times I was sceptical of how we where going to pull this of, in the end everyone came together putting in all there effort to achieve in the end, what I believe to be a very successful night and a wonderful ending to our last two years studding theatre.

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